Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Harry and Emma taking some time off from the snow storm

If you have been wondering where they are, both Emma and Harry are taking the time off from blogging because of the winter storm.

The snow storm has been horrendous this year.

Emma checking out the porch, all covered in snow.

Emma: This is really cold.

Emma: Smells like snow.

Harry: I will be hibernating in my apartment till the storm is over.

Harry: I can't take this anymore. Thank God the new blanket is warm and cozy.

Emma: You are right, Harry! It is too cold out to do anything. I think I am going to stay in your apartment with you till the storm is over.

Harry: Yeah, let's watch some TV. Want a snack???
Emma: Sure, I can eat.

This is all they have been doing daily. Hibernating!

Emma: At least the house is warm.

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